(2019) 4 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 21–33
Title of the article Modern Determinants of Crime in Ukraine
Doctor in Law, Professor, professor, department of criminal law and criminology, faculty № 6, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Kharkiv, Ukraine, dsf7002@gmail.com
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2019
Issue 4
Pages [21–33]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract Determination problems remain the most complex in criminology. This concerns both the identification of the causes of crime in general and the determination of particular categories of crime. Determining the determinants of crime is not only purely theoretical for the development of criminological science, but also of considerable practical importance, because it enables society and the state to respond appropriately to these determinants, neutralizing or minimizing their negative impact.
The purpose of the article – to determine the contemporary determinants of crime and their place in shaping the unlawful behaviour of a person.
Issues of modern determinants of crime in Ukraine have been investigated. Given that criminology has long been sociologically represented, most of the judgments about the determinants of crime are in one way or another related to the transient social factors affecting the individual and society. Therefore, they need constant scientific review.
It is stated that the general factor that causes the commission of crimes is the demoralization of the person, which in turn is the result of the demoralization of society as a whole. It is revealed the devaluation of moral values based on universal values, the striking difference between the declarations proclaimed by the authorities and the daily reality of a crisis society, which is extremely far from high ethical ideals, create the conditions under which the criminal potential of a person.
The state of modern Ukrainian society, poverty and injustice in the distribution of income between different segments of the population play a role in the production of crime. And in the political and legal sphere, corruption is an extremely criminal factor.
The imperfection of legislative acts, their incompleteness, incomprehensibility and contradiction, which leads to the formation of legal nihilism in Ukrainian citizens of Ukraine, which is often manifested in the arbitrary interpretation of laws and other acts by officials, and in the ordinary citizen at will and discretion.
Political and legal, organizational and managerial, as cultural and psychological determinants in the aggregate and condition the spread of crime in Ukraine. The level of research on contemporary determinants of crime needs to be complemented and explored by a more extensive network of correlations, since they are indirectly aimed at neutralizing negative phenomena and processes in the various spheres of social life that determine crime.
Keywords devaluation of morality; determinants; crime; criminal behaviour; correlations; nihilism; factors.
Authored books
1. Denysov S, Determinanty zlochynnosti i modeli kryminolohichnoi preventsii zlochyniv molodi: monohrafiia [Determinants of Crime and Models of Criminological Prevention of Youth Crimes: monograph] (Klasychnyy pryvatnyy universytet 2010) (in Ukranian).
2. Denysov S, Bulba O, Samopravstvo: kryminolohichna kharakterystyka, determinatsiia ta zapobihannia: monohrafiia [Lawless Brutes: Criminological Characteristics, Determination and Prevention: monograph] (Status 2017) (in Ukranian).
3. Denysov S, Kulyk S, Kryminolohichna kharakterystyka ta zapobihannia zlochynam proty moralnosti: monohrafiia [Criminological Characteristics and Prevention of Crimes against Morality: monograph] (Akademiya Derzhavnoi penitenciarnoi sluzhby 2018) (in Ukranian).
4. Gilinskij Ja, Kriminologija: teorija, istorija, empiricheskaja baza, socialnyj control’: kurs lekcij [Criminology: Theory, History, Empirical Base, Social Control: course of lectures] (Piter 2008) (in Russian).
5. Kostenko O, Kultura i zakon u protydii zlu: monohrafiia [Culture and the Law in Countering Evil: monograph] (Atika 2008) (in Ukranian).
6. Kulyk O, Zlochynnist v Ukraini na pochatku XXI stolittia: monohrafiia [Crime in Ukraine at the Beginning of the XXI Century: monograph] (Yurinkom Inter 2013) (in Ukranian).
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10. Merton R, Socialnaja teorija i socialnaja struktura: monografija [Social Theory and Social Structure: monograph] (AST, Нranitel 2006) (in Russian).
11. Nezhurbida S, Etiolohiia zlochynu: teorii, analiz, rezultat: monohrafiia [Etiology of Crime: Theories, Analysis, Result: monograph] (Druk Art 2013) (in Ukranian).
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13. Zakaliuk A, Kurs suchasnoi ukrainskoi kryminolohii: teoriia i praktyka [Contemporary Ukrainian Criminology Course: Theory and Practice] (In Yure 2007) kn 1 (in Ukranian).
Journal articles
14. Denysov S, ‘Optymizatsia sanktsii za zlochyny proty moralnosti: zakonodavstvo ta zastosuvannia’ [‘Optimizing Sanctions for Crimes against Morality: Legislation and Enforcement’] (2019) 1(20) Visnyk Kryminolohichnoi asotsiatsii Ukrainy (in Ukranian).
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19. Zakaliuk A, ‘Kontseptualne bachennia suchasnoi kryminolohichnoi sytuatsii v Ukraini ta shliakhiv aktualizatsii kryminolohii v ukrainskomu suspilstvi’ [‘Conceptual Vision of the Current Criminological Situation in Ukraine and Ways of Actualization of Criminology in Ukrainian Society’] (2013) 7 Pravo Ukrainy (in Ukranian).
20. ‘80 vidsotkiv naselennia Ukrainy zhyve za mezheiu bidnosti’ [‘80 Percent of Ukraine’s Population Lives below the Poverty Line’] (Radio Svoboda) URL: accessed 19 November 2019 (in Ukranian).
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